US Life Coach Association
Life Coach Training
Have you completed your coach training and finding it very difficult to attract paying clients? Are you trained in a related field and need to learn the mechanics of coaching vs therapy? The USLCA offers on line classes to help you build your coaching practice.
Are you new to Coaching? The US Life Coach Association offers special tuition vouchers for Life Coach College. Start learning and living coaching today.
The number one question most coaches seem to be asked is, " do you need coach training to be a Life Coach?" The legal answer in almost all areas is, "no, coach specific training is not required to become a Life Coach."
The practical answer is, if you don't have coach specific training, how will you know how to coach and how will you know if you are helping your clients? This is a big selling point for the ICF, an international coaching organization. They want to regulate coaching. The USLCA does not agree with regulation and government intervention.
The US Life Coaching Association is affiliated with Life Coach College. There are many quality coach training organizations and most offer a basic course consisting of a minimum of 60 coach specific training hours.